Hindi to English Translation Sentences [ Free PDF ] : Practice and Download The PDF

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Hindi to English Translation Sentences Practice and Download

Hindi to English translation sentences with Answers for Competitive and Board Exam 2024

In the Hindi sentences that follow, you’ll encounter and choose the correct English sentences. Your task is to choose the important Hindi-to-English translation sentences and record your choice on the provided answer sheet.

1. वह कलम से लिख सकती है।

(a) He can write with a pen.
(b) She can write with a pen.
(c) She would write with pen.
(d) He can write with a pen.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

2. इस शहर के मध्य में बड़ा मैदान था ।

(a) There were a big field in the heart of this town.
(b) There was a big field in the heart of this town.
(c) There was a big field in the heart this town.
(d) There were big field in the heart meant of this town.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

3. हरि कहाँ गया है ?

(a) Where has Hari gone?
(b) Where have Hari gone?
(c) Where has Hari went?
(d) Where have Hari go?

Correct Answer- Option (a)

4. जान मिल्टन एक महान कवि थे।

(a) John Milton were a great poet.
(b) The John Milton was a great poet.
(c) John Milton has a great poet.
(d) John Milton was a great poet.

Correct Answer- Option (d)

5. पेड़ के ऊपर कौवा है ।

(a) There are a crow on the tree.
(b) There is a crow on the tree.
(c) There are a crow in the tree.
(d) There is a crow in the tree.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

6. मेरे स्टेशन पहुँचने के पहले गाड़ी खुल चुकी थी।

(a) The train had started before I reach the station.
(b) The train has started before I reached the station.
(c) The train have started before I reached the station.
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (b)

7. मैं तैरना जानता / जानती हूँ।

(a) I know how to swim
(b) I knew how to swim
(c) I am known how to swim
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (a)

8. यहाँ सभी धर्मो के लोग रहते हैं ।

(a) The people of all religions lives here.
(b) The people of all religion lived here.
(c) The people of all religions live here.
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (c)

9. तैरना एक कला है।

(a) Swimming are an art.
(b) Swimming is an art.
(c) Swimming is an art.
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (b)

Most Important MCQ Question of Hindi to English translation with Answer Sheet PDF

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Direction: Choose the most suitable English Translation.

10. आज बहुत गर्मी पड़ रही है।

(a) It is hot today.
(b) It was extremely hot today.
(c) It was hot today.
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (d)

11. क्या पटना गंगा नदी के किनारे पर बसा है ?

(a) Patna is situated on the bank of the Ganga.
(b) Patna is situated in the bank of the Ganga.
(c) Is Patna situated on the bank of the Ganga.
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (c)

12. खेलना एक प्रकार का व्यायाम है।

(a) Playing is kind of exercise.
(b) Playing are a kind of exercise.
(c) To play are a kind of exercise.
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (d)

13. उसकी आवाज बहुत प्यारी है।

(a) His voice is very sweet.
(b) His voice was very sweet.
(c) Her voice has sweet.
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (a)

14. मैंने एक सपना देखा।

(a) I see a dream.
(b) I saw a dream.
(c) I was seen an dream.
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (b)

Choose the Correct English translation of given hindi sentence

15. मैं नाश्ता कर चुका हूँ।

(a) I have take my breakfast.
(b) I had taken my breakfast.
(c) I has taken my breakfast.
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (d)

16. राम कब लौटेगा ?

(a) When will Ram return?
(b) When shall Ram return?
(c) When will be Ram return?
(d) When shall be Ram return?

Correct Answer- Option (a)

17. तुम मेरी सहायता कैसे करोगे ?

(a) How shall you help me?
(b) How will you help me?
(c) How will you helped me?
(d) How shall you helped me?

Correct Answer- Option (b)

18. वह ट्रेन से मुम्बई गया है।

(a) He gone to Mumbai by train.
(b) He went to Mumbai by train.
(c) He go to Mumbai by train.
(d) Both (a) and (c)

Correct Answer- Option (b)

19. हम भारत के नागरिक है।

(a) We are the citizens of India.
(b) We have the citizens of India.
(c) We are citizen of India.
(d) We has citizens of India

Correct Answer- Option (a)

Choose the Correct Hindi to Hindi-to-English translation Sentences For Competitive Exams

20. आज बहुत गर्मी है।

(a) Today is very hot.
(b) Today are very hot.
(c) The today is very hot.
(d) The today are very hot.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

21. सब लड़के घर चले गए।

(a) All boys gone to house.
(b) All boy went to house.
(c) All boys went to house.
(d) All boys go to house.

Correct Answer- Option (c)

22. पोलीथीन घुलता नहीं है।

(a) Polythene does not dissolve.
(b) Polythene do not dissolve.
(c) Polythene has not dissolve.
(d) Polythene have not dissolve.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

23. मीरा नहीं रो रही है।

(a) Mira is not crying.
(b) Mira has not crying.
(c) Mira are not crying.
(d) Mira was be not crying

Correct Answer- Option (a)

24. जो लड़का तुमसे मिलने आया था वह बहुत ही गरीब है।

(a) The boy who came to see you he was very poor.
(b) The boy who has come to see you is very poor.
(c) The boy who came to see you is very poor.
(d) The boys who had come to see you was very poor.

Correct Answer- Option (c)

Choose the Correct English of Hindi translation sentences

25. मेरे गाँव में एक मंदिर है।

(a) There is temple in my village.
(b) There is a temple in my village.
(c) There are a temple in my village.
(d) There is a temple my village.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

26. धूप में मत खेलों ।

(a) Do not play in the Sun.
(b) Does not play in the Sun.
(c) Does play not in the Sun.
(d) Do play not in the Sun.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

27. मैं अपना काम अपने आप ही करता हूँ।

(a) I have to do my work
(b) I do my work myself
(c) I can do my work myself
(d) I am to do my own work

Correct Answer- Option (b)

28. सीता के उतने पुत्र हैं जितने राधा के ।

(a) Sita has equal sons as Radha.
(b) Sita has as many sons as Radha.
(c) Sita and Radha have equal number of sons
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (b)

29. तुम्हारी इतनी हिम्मत ?

(a) How did you?
(c) How brave you?
(b) How dare you?
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (b)

Choose the Correct Hindi-to-English translation sentences for practice

30. उसका घर एक सरकारी दफ्तर के निकट है।

(a) His house is besides a government office.
(b) He housed is behind a government office.
(c) His house is near a government office.
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (c)

31. कहानियाँ हमारे दिल और दिमाग को सुकून देती हैं।

(a) Stories provided peace to our minds.
(b) Stories provide peace to our hearts and minds.
(c) Stories provides us peace to our hearts.
(d) Stories are provide peace to our heart and mind.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

32. क्या मैं बच्चा हूँ कि तुम मुझे ठग सकते हो?

(a) Am I a child that you can deceive me?
(b) Is I a boy that you can deceive me?
(c) Whether I a child that you can deceive me?
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (a)

33. मेरे शिक्षक कालिदास की सारी रचनाएँ पढ़ चुके थे।

(a) My teacher had been reading all the works of Kalidas.
(b) My teacher has read the complete works of Kalidas.
(c) My teacher had read all the works of Kalidas
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (c)

34. मैं नाश्ता कर चूका हूँ।

(a) I have has my breakfast.
(b) I have had breakfast.
(c) I have completed breakfast.
(d) I has had breakfast.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

35. Cnvert “नियमित रूप से अध्ययन करो।” into English.

(a) Study regularly.
(b) Study on time.
(c) Study sincerely.
(d) Do studies often.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

36. तुमसे यह किसने कहा ?

(a) Who tell you this?
(b) Who said this to you?
(c) Who this said to you?
(d) Who tells this to you?

Correct Answer- Option (b)

37. तस्वीर दीवार पर है।

(a) The picture is on the wall.
(b) On the wall is picture.
(c) Picture is in the wall.
(d) Wall is on the picture.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

38. बेईमान कभी भी सफल नहीं होते।

(a) The dishonest is never successful.
(b) The dishonest are not successful.
(c) The dishonest do not successful.
(d) The dishonest are never successful.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

39. वह बाजार गया है।

(a) He has gone to market.
(b) He will go to the market.
(c) He went to the market.
(d) He is going to market.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

Translate into Hindi to English for Competitive Exams Class 10 to 6

40. वह चार घंटे से पढ़ रहा है।

(a) He has been studing since four hours.
(b) He has been studying from four hours.
(c) He has been studying for four hours.
(d) He had study for four hours.

Correct Answer- Option (c)

41. राधा सरीता से ज्यादा तेज है।

(a) Radha is very intelligent than Sarita.
(b) Radha is more intelligent than Sarita.
(c) Radha is most intelligent than Sarita.
(d) Radha is as intelligent than Sarita.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

42 . तुमने गलती की है।

(a) You have made mistake.
(b) You made a mistake.
(c) You have make a mistake.
(d) You have made a mistake.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

43. वह तैरना जानती है।

(a) She knows to a swim.
(b) She know swimming.
(c) She knows how to swim.
(d) She knows to swimming.

Correct Answer- Option (c)

44. जो वह कहता है, सही है।

(a) He says is right what.
(b) What he saying was right.
(c) What he says is right.
(d) Which he said is right.

Correct Answer- Option (c)

45. कृपया बैठ जाएँ।

(a) You are asked to sit down.
(b) Sit down, please.
(c) Request you to sit down.
(d) You should sit down.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

46. वह सोमवार से बीमार है।

(a) He is ill till Monday.
(b) He has been ill since Monday.
(c) He is ill from Monday.
(d) Ill is he since Monday.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

47. क्या तुम पत्र लिख रहे हो ?

(a) Are you writing a letter?
(b) Letter you writing?
(c) Writing you letter?
(d) Letter is you writing?

Correct Answer- Option (a)

48. उसने मुझे भारत के बारे में कहानियाँ सुनाई।

(a) He told me stories about India.
(b) He used to tell me stories about India.
(c) Told stories about India by him.
(d) He tell stories about India.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

49. आज पूरा विश्व कोविड 19 से प्रभावित है।

(a) The whole world has hit Covid 19 today.
(b) Today the whole world is affected by Covid 19.
(c) Today complete world is hit by Covid 19.
(d) The world is entirely affected by Covid 19 today.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

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50. उसे कार्य पूरा करने दो।

(a) Let work be complete through him.
(b) Work should be completed by him.
(c) Let him complete the work.
(d) He should complete the work.

Correct Answer- Option (c)

51. बच्चे रोज शतरंज खेलते हैं।

(a) Children will be playing chess everyday.
(b) Chess is being played everyday.
(c) Children play chess everyday.
(d) Everyday chess played by children.

Correct Answer- Option (c)

52. क्या रीना को पुस्तक दी गई ?

(a) Had book given to Reena?
(b) Was the book given to Reena?
(c) Did book given to Reena?
(d) Reena got the book?

Correct Answer- Option (b)

53. एक ग्लास पानी लाओ।

(a) Let a glass water brought.
(b) Glass of water bring.
(c) Bring a glass of water.
(d) Brought a glass of water.

Correct Answer- Option (c)

54. उसने क्या कहा ?

(a) What has he said?
(b) What he said?
(c) What did he say?
(d) He said what?

Correct Answer- Option (c)

55. हमें सच बोलना चाहिए।

(a) We should speak the truth.
(b) Speak the truth must we
(c) Truth should be spoken.
(d) We can speak truth.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

56. पहाड़ियों पर बादल थे।

(a) There were clouds on the hills.
(b) There was clouds on the hills.
(c) There is clouds on the hills.
(d) There was clouds in the hill.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

57. संगीत मनुष्य को मानसिक शांति देता है।

(a) The music provides mental peace to mankind.
(b) Music Provides mental peace to mankind.
(c) Music Provided mental peace to mankind.
(d) Music provided mental mankind to peace.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

58. सूरज के डूबने से पहले ही मैं घर आ जाऊँगा।

(a) I will come home before the sunset.
(b) I shall come home before the sunset.
(c) I shall comes home before the sunset.
(d) I shall came home before the sunset.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

59. हम भारतीय है और भारतीय रहेंगे ।

(a) We have Indian and shall remain Indian.
(b) We have Indians and shall remain Indian.
(c) We are Indian and shall remain Indian
(d) We are Indian and will remain Indian.

Correct Answer- Option (c)

Translate the given sentence and select one option

60. सुबह टहलना स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छा है।

(a) Morning walk is good for health.
(b) The morning walk is good for health.
(c) Morning walked is good for health.
(d) Morning walked are good for health.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

61. आज के छात्र कल के भविष्य है।

(a) Today’s students shall be the future of tomorrow
(b) Today’s students will be the future of tomorrow.
(c) Today’s students will the future of tomorrow.
(d) Today’s students shall the future of tomorrow.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

62. नालन्दा एक ऐतिहासिक स्थान है।

(a) The Nalanda is a historical place.
(b) Nalanda is a historical place.
(c) Nalanda are a historical place
(d) The Nalanda are a historical place.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

63. वह नृत्य करना नहीं जानती है।

(a) He does not know how to dance.
(b) She does not know how to dance.
(c) She does not know how to danced
(d) He does not known how to danced.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

64. क्या मैं घर जा सकता हूँ?

(a) May go home I?
(b) May I go home?
(c) I can go home?
(d) I am to home?

Correct Answer- Option (b)

65. बेईमानी कभी भी लाभदायक नहीं होती।

(a) The dishonest are never beneficial.
(b) Dishonest is never beneficial
(c) The dishonest is never beneficial.
(d) Both (a) and (b).

Correct Answer- Option (a)

66. गंगा को प्रदूषित नहीं करना चाहिए।

(a) Ganges should not be polluted.
(b) The Ganges should not be polluted.
(c) The Ganges could not be polluted.
(d) Ganges should not polluted.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

67. क्या तुम कविता लिखना जानते हो ?

(a) Do you know how to compose poems?
(b) Do you knows to compose poems?
(c) You do knows to compose poems?
(d) You do know to poems compose?

Correct Answer- Option (a)

68. हर तरफ फूल ही फूल है।

(a) There is nothing but flowers every where.
(b) There are nothing but flowers everywhere.
(c) There is nothing flowers everywhere.
(d) There is nothing but flower everywhere.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

69. स्वतंत्र भारत के प्रथम प्रधानमंत्री कौन थे ?

(a) Who were the First Prime Minister of Independent India?
(b) Who were First Prime Minister of Independent India?
(c) Who was the First Prime Minister of Independent India?
(d) Who had the First Prime Minister of Independent India?

Correct Answer- Option (c)

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70. मैं सोमवार से अनुपस्थित हूँ।

(a) I have been absent since last Monday.
(b) I has been absent since last Monday.
(c) I have absent since last Monday
(d) I has absent since last Monday.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

71. नीतीश कुमार बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री है।

(a) Nitish Kumar is Chief Minister of Bihar
(b) Nitish Kumar has the Chief Minister of Bihar.
(c) Nitish Kumar is the Chief Minister of Bihar.
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (c)

72. पुराने समय में मकान लकड़ियों से बना करते थे।

(a) In ancient time, wood build house were here.
(b) In ancient time, houses were built of woods.
(c) In ancient times wood build house has here.
(d) None of these

Correct Answer- Option (b)

73. सीता अपने पिता को पत्र लिखी।

(a) Sita wrote a letter to her father.
(b) Sita was written a letter to her father.
(c) Sita has written a letter her to father.
(d) Sita was written a letter her to father.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

74. हमलोगों को बड़ों का आदर करना चाहिए|

(a) We could respect our elders.
(b) We should respected our elders.
(c) We should respect our elders.
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Correct Answer- Option (c)

75. भोजन के उपरान्त हम स्कूल जाते है।

(a) Having taken meal we go to school.
(b) Having taken meal we goes to school.
(c) The having taken meal us gone to school.
(d) Both (b) and (c)

Correct Answer- Option (a)

76. तुम्हारे पिताजी कब सोते है ?

(a) When does your father sleep?
(b) When do your father sleep?
(c) When has your father sleep?
(d) When have your father sleep?

Correct Answer- Option (a)

77. तुम इस काम को चार बजे तक खत्म कर चुके होगें।

(a) You will have finished this work by 4 o’clock
(b) You will finish this work by 4 o’clock
(c) You will be finishing this work till 4 o’clock
(d) You will be finished this work until 4 o’clock

Correct Answer- Option (a)

78. मेरा वाहन चालक चार दिनों से बीमार है।

(a) My driver has been ill for the last four days
(b) My driver is ill for last four days’
(c) My driver is sufferning ill for four days
(d) My driver is seriously ill for four days.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

79. बहुत से पढ़े-लिखे लोग देख रहे थे।

(a) Many persons are educating
(b) Many educated persons were watching
(c) Many persons were watching educated.
(d) Many educated persons are watching.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

80. मजुमदार साहब सबसे वरिष्ठ अधिकारी हैं।

(a) Majumdar Sahib is the biggest officer
(b) Majumdar Sahib is the most senior officer
(c) Majumdar Sahib is the senior most officer
(d) Majumdar Sahib is oldest officer

Correct Answer- Option (b)

Choose the most suitable English Translation of Hindi Sentence.

81. मैं फुटबॉल से क्रिकेट को अधिक पसंद करता हूँ।

(a) I prefer cricket to football
(b) I like more cricket than more football.
(c) I enjoy cricket than football
(d) I play cricket more than football.

Correct Answer- Option (a)

82. आप वहाँ कितनी देर रहेंगें ?

(a) How much will you stay there?
(b) How long will you stay there?
(c) How long you will stay there?
(d) How more will you stay there?

Correct Answer- Option (b)

83. वह कहीं नहीं जा सकता।

(a) He cannot go somewhere
(b) He can go anywhere
(c) He cannot go anywhere
(d) He can not go any where

Correct Answer- Option (c)

84. एवरेस्ट संसार में सबसे ऊँची चोटी है।

(a) Everest is very high peak in the world.
(b) Everest is the highest peak in the world.
(c) Everest is most high peak in the world.
(d) Everest was the highest peak in the world.

Correct Answer- Option (b)

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Class 10th MCQ Question for Board Exam 2024

  1. Math Class 10 Objective
  2. Science Class 10 MCQ
  3. English 10th Class Questions 
  4. Hindi Class 10 mcq questions
  5. So. Science 10th class MCQ
  6. Sanskrit Objective Question 

FAQ On Hindi to English translation MCQ Questions

Q. Which is the best tool for Hindi to English translation?


Q. Can you use translation in a sentence?


Q. What is a good sentence for translation?


Q. क्या आप एक वाक्य में अनुवाद का उपयोग कर सकते हैं?


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