English grammar

Proper Noun

Read these words

Jack Ram Jonshan Nile Ganga Ramayan Briten India Russia Rohan Abdul, Sun

All the words given above are proper nouns

Proper noun in sentences

The Eiffel Tower in Paris is a famous landmark.
I visited the Taj Mahal in Agra last summar.
New Yark city is known as The Big Apple.
Mount Everest is the highest peak in the word.

Proper nouns always start with a capital letter.


A proper noun is the name of a particular person, animal, place or thing.


The Noun which denotes a group of proper person, place or thing


  • Proper person - Jack, Ganga, Jonshan, Sun

  • Proper place - Briten, India, Delhi, Russia

  • Proper thing - Bible, Ramayana, Quran, Gita

  • so we can say that

    the name of particular person, place or thing is called proper noun.


    1. Identify the Proper noun from the words given below and check with the given answer.

  • lion
  • Rohit
  • Student
  • Priya
  • girl
  • Delhi
  • state
  • Jonshon
  • 2. Identify the Proper noun from the senences given below and check with the given answer.

    Johan and Jack are teachers.

    Ramesh is a clever boy.

    That boy is my friend.

    Govinda and Hari are brothers

    The girl saw her sister.

    His uncle and aunt are comming today

    My father and mother are tall.

    The grocer sells tea and coffee.

    This man is a carpenter.

    Mr Prem has two daughters.

    3. Mark the names of animals in these sentences.

    The farmar has a dog and a donkey.

    He saw tigers in the forest.

    The tiger killed a buffalo.

    The fox is a clever animal.

    She keeps ducks and ducklings.

    The eagle is a strong bird.

    We get milk from cows.

    Camels have long necks.

    Birds build nests in trees.

    Spiders eat flies

    4. Mark the names of places in these sentences.

    My school is in Kolkata.

    My rooms are airy and sunny.

    Ayodhya is a good town.

    London is the capital city of the United Kingdom.

    He is coming from Ranchi.

    His house has a small Temple.

    London is a clean city.

    He has a shop in Delhi.

    Our village is near our school.

    The classrooms of this school are big.

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