English grammar

Parts of speech

⮚ Parts of speech are the basic units of grammar

⮚ They help you understand how words relate to each other and how to use them in a sentence.

⮚ It can improve your vocabulary and make you a better communicator.

⮚ Parts of speech are categories of words that indicate how words function in a sentence.

⮚ There are 8 parts of speech in English grammar.

Note:- Parts of speech are also called word classes.


All the words in English are divided into eight group according to the work they do in a sentence. Each group is called parts of speech.

The Eight parts of speech in English are:-

  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Verb
  4. Adjective
  5. Adverb
  6. Preposition
  7. Conjunction
  8. Interjection

1. Noun

⮚ A noun is the name of a person, place thing, quality, condition, and action.


Chocolate, Jonshon, Sohan, Book, Honesty, Truthfully, Happyness, Illness, Play, Delhi, Read, Britten, etc are the Noun.

  • Person - Jonshon, Sohan,
  • Place - Britten, Delhi
  • Thing - Chocolate, Book
  • Quality - Honesty, Truthfuly
  • Condition - Happyness, Illness
  • Action - Play, Read
  • 2. Pronoun

    ⮚ A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun.


    Sohan is a handsome boy. He is brilliant.
    (He is a Pronoun because it is used in place of Sohan in the sentence. )

    This is Sita. She is Sleeping.
    (She is a Pronoun because it is used in place of Sita in the sentence. )

    These are boys. They are reading.
    ('They' is a Pronoun because it is used in place of These in the sentence. )

    He, she, It, you, we, and they are pronouns.

    3. Verb

    ⮚ A verb is a word that shows an action, state, or possession.


  • Go
  • Play
  • Read
  • Sing
  • Have
  • go, play, do, have, had, eat, read, is, are, run, need, and can, etc are the verbs.

    4. Adjective

    ⮚ An adjective is a word that qualifies as a noun or a pronoun.


    rich, slow, good, bad, tall, short, one, two, fast, and cold are the Adjective words..

    5. Adverb

    An adverb is a word that qualifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.


    ⮚ slowly, quickly, carefully, bravely, fast, very, today, twice yesterday, and there is the adverb.

    6. Preposition

    ⮚ A preposition is a word usually placed before a noun or a pronoun to show its relation to some other words in the sentence.


    in, at, by, to, of, into, from, with, over, on, under, etc are the prepositions.

    7. Conjunction

    ⮚ A conjunction is a word that joins words, clauses, or sentences.


    or, and, if, but, that, because, till and when are the conjunction.

    8. Interjection

    ⮚ An Interjection is a word that expresses some sudden feeling.


    Oh!, Ah!, hurrah!, Alas!, What!, and Bravo! etc is the Interjection word.
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