ONCE UPON A TIME Class 10 English Chapter 6 Objective

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साथियो, यहाँ Class 10 SCERT Bihar Board पाठ्यपुस्तक PANORAMA, PART-2 PROSE Section Lesson 6 Class 10th English chapter 6, ONCE UPON A TIME से बनने वाले सारे महत्वपूर्ण वस्तुनिष्ट प्रश्नो का संकलन किया गया है। जिसे आप पढ़ कर बिहार बोर्ड क्लास 10th exam के लिए पूर्ण रूप से तैयार हो सकते है।

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Class 10 English Chapter 6 ONCE UPON A TIME Objective 2024

1. Which of the following is the recent novel of Toni Morrison?

( a ) Merchant
( b ) Paradise
( c ) Apartheid
( d ) None of these

Answer- b

2. Which of the following awards was also given to Toni Morrison?

( a ) Booker Award
( b ) Pulitzer
( a ) Hatred
( d ) None of these

Answer- c

3. How was the old woman?

( a ) Blind
( b ) Wise
( c ) Softly Spoked
( d ) A.S.U

Answer- d

4. In the story ‘ Once Upon a Time ‘ the woman is the daughter of:

( a ) Merchant
( b ) Politician
( c ) Slave
( d ) A rich man

Answer- c

5. What is the position of the old woman in her neighborhood?

( a ) Hatred
( b ) Respected as Rural Prophet
( c ) As a quarreling woman
( d ) None of these

Answer- b

6. Why did the young people visit the old woman?

( a ) To tell her to leave her house
( b ) To disprove her clairvoyance
( c ) To approve her clairvoyance
( d ) None of these

Answer- b

7. Toni Morrison is the writer of ……..

( a ) Gillu
( b ) The Pace for Living
( c ) Once Upon a Time
( d ) Me and The Ecology Bit

Answer- c

ONCE UPON A TIME Class 10th English Chapter 6 MCQ With Answer

8. ” Toni Morrison ‘ received the Nobel Prize in the field of:

( a ) Peace
( b ) Science
( c ) Literature
( d ) Economics

Answer- c

9. In the story ‘ Once Upon a Time ‘, the woman was visited by:

( a ) Some young people
( b ) Some old people
( c ) Some rich people
( d ) Some sick people

Answer- a

10. In the essay ‘ Once Upon a Time ‘ the old woman was_____.

( a ) blind but wise
( b ) brave
( c ) deaf
( d ) lame

Answer- a

11. Toni Morrison was the first………… to receive the Nobel Prize

( a ) White woman
( b ) European woman
( c ) Asian woman
( d ) Black woman

Answer- d 

12. Some …………. people visited the old woman in ‘ Once Upon a Time ‘

( a ) young
( c ) gentle
( b ) plate
( d ) uncivilized

Answer- a

13. The boy in ‘ Once Upon a Time ‘ carries a ….. and a jug of warm cider.

( a ) bag
( b ) old
( c ) lamp
( d ) cup

Answer- c

14. The old woman was :

( a ) foolish
( b ) wise
( c ) shy
( d ) bold

Answer- b

ONCE UPON A TIME Class 10th English Chapter 6

15. The young people asked the old woman a question whose answer could only be given by one who could :

( a ) see
( b ) hear
( c ) smell
( d ) read

Answer- a

16. The old woman was enough to know she could not help the young people.

( a ) stupid
( b ) strong
( c ) suspicious
( d ) intelligent

Answer- d

17. What disability did the woman have?

( a ) Fatness
( b ) Unable to move
( c ) Blindness
( d ) Could not talk

Answer- c

18. The old woman’s houses are situated outside of :

( a ) camp
( b ) City
( c ) town
( d ) village

Answer- c

19. Who is the first black woman to receive the Nobel Prize?

( a ) Toni Morrison
( b ) Aung San Suu Kyi
( c ) Amrita Pritam
( d ) None of these

Answer- a

20. When did Toni Morrison receive the Nobel Prize?

( a ) A.D. 1990
( b ) A.D. 1992
( c ) A.D. 1993
( d ) A.D. 1994

Answer- c

Bihar Board class 10 English Chapter 6 ONCE UPON A TIME Objective

21. Who is the author of the article ‘ Once Upon a Time ‘?

( a ) Aung San Suu Kyi
( b ) R.C. Hutchinson
( c ) Toni Morrison
( d ) Rohitan Mistri

Answer- c

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All Subject Class 10 Objective Question Answer

  1. Math( गणित )
  2. Science( विज्ञान )
  3. English( अंग्रेजी )
  4. Hindi( हिंदी )
  5. So. Science ( सामाजिक विज्ञान )
  6. Sanskrit( संस्कृत )

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स्रोत:- NCERT Book
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